By Ketty Wong
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Temple University Press

ISBN 9781439900574

272 Pages

PURL 3.1 Pasilo "Inviernal" (Wintertime)

Media reference: pg. 74

About this recording

“Invernal" was a poem written in 1920 by poet laureat José María Egas (1896–1982) and set to music by Nicasio Safadi (1902-1968). This is an example of the type of pasillo that was raised to the level of a national symbol. The verses are imbued with a nostalgic air and flowing rhymes that suggest the illusion of love and being loved. The consonance and rhymes of the lyrics make an ideal poem to be set to music.

In this recording, the Hermanos Miño-Naranjo perform to the arrangement of guitars and harp. This is a pasillo costeño, as the lively tempo and predominance of the major mode indicates.


Ingenuamente pones en tu balcón florido

la nota más romántica de esta tarde de lluvia

voy a hilar mi nostalgia, del sol que se ha dormido

en la seda fragante de tu melena rubia.


Hay un libro de versos en tus manos de luna

en el libro un poema que se deshoja en rosas

tiendes la vista al cielo y en tus ojos hay una

devoción infinita para mirar las cosas.


Tiembla en tus labios rojos la emoción de un poema

Yo, cual viejo neurótico, seguiré con mi tema

En esta tarde enferma de cansancio y de lluvia.


Y siempre cuando muera, crepúsculo de olvido

Hilaré mi nostalgia del sol que se ha dormido

En la seda fragante de tu melena rubia. 


Innocently in your flowery balcony you offer

the most romantic note on this rainy afternoon

I will spin my nostalgia from the sun that has set

in the fragrant silk of your long blond hair.


There is a book of verses in your moonlike hands

in the book a poem that is being stripped into rose petals

you turn your gaze toward the sky and in your eyes there is

an infinite devotion to look at things.


The emotion of a poem trembles in your red lips

Like an old neurotic, I will continue with my theme

On this afternoon that is sick with weariness and rain.


And always when she dies, twilight of oblivion

I will spin my nostalgia from the sun that has set

in the fragrant silk of your long blond hair.